Established 1873

Cindy R. Ray

Cindy R. Ray


Kristin Barron

Kristin Barron


Rachael Argiros

Rachael Argiros

Graphic Designer


Judith Present, Kristin Barron, Cindy Ray, Becky Nevin-Gale, Stephen Taggert

Advertising Rates:

Classified Rates:

$5.40 for the first 25 words, 8 cents a word for every word over 25. “Card of Thanks” and “In Memoriam” same price. Poetry or photos with classifieds: Additional $3 charge.

Display ads:

$5.04 per column inch. (Contact the Herald for additional information and special rates)


Display & Classified Ads – Friday 12 PM.

Copy Deadline – Friday 12 PM


The Hancock Herald (USPS 234-280) is published weekly by The Hancock Herald, 102 E. Front St., Hancock, NY 13783. Periodical postage paid at Hancock, NY.

Subscription rates in advance in Delaware County., NY and Wayne County, PA: 1 year $43. All other areas $53 per year. Additional $16 for on-line subscriptions. E-Paper subscriptions $69 per year. Single copies $1.25.

The Hancock Herald will not be liable for errors appearing in advertising beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error. The Publisher may, at her sole discretion, edit, classify, reject or cancel at any time any advertising submitted by an advertiser.